
Showing posts from January, 2013

Gluten and Sugar

Okay, I think I've heard it enough times now that I can't ignore it. Gluten and Sugar are my enemy. Especially now that my metabolism seems to have given up on me. Here's the problem: I cannot ( can.not ) get myself to stop eating things full of those gloriously delicious things. My best intentions don't even stand a chance when I'm faced with bread and sweets. I do have a tiny glimmer of hope waaaay down deep inside that stems from the following occurrences in my life in the past few years: I never (ever) thought I would be able to give up drinking pop, but I have. I also never thought I would be able to think fast food was disgusting but I've made it across that finish line as well. Therefore, (and I'm not good at logic problems but...) it must be possible for me to stop loving gluten and sugar, right? I just need to find the magic trigger that flips that stubborn switch in my brain. So, what I need from you is to create a PSA video showing me how...