
Showing posts from December, 2005


so, last night we got to an all-time high of 31 degrees. it was the first time in 32 days that i didn't have to dig my car out of snow or scrape the windows... and the roads? well, you could actually see pavement. it was a beautiful thing. i felt so free...

Summit County-ism #3

having a history of zamboni's falling through the ice, into the lake, merely to try and defeat spring and milk more money out of the little ice skaters who want to experience what it's like to skate on " The largest Zamboni-maintained outdoor skating rink (5 full acres) in North America ." Common, who wouldn't?

Things that can ruin my hour

playing scrabble with brian when i have a whopping 93 points TOTAL and he gets 107 points from the word 'bunnies'. whatever. i quit.