
Showing posts from May, 2008

something only i can really appreciate.

today marks a pretty big moment in my life: i scored '100' in my 4th round of bowling tonight. internet, do you realize that's the first time i've hit 100 in 16 years? this, my friends, is HUGE. brian says i should buy a bowling wrist guard just to commemorate the occasion. that's cool and all, but i was kind of hoping for a slurpee.

green house = not welcoming.

i don't know if it's the 'brand' of light bulb we bought but it really makes me sad that in order to be energy efficient, our house has to feel like a warehouse. we went out and bought enough of the 'green' light bulbs to furnish our house and now every time i turn on a light it flickers and then gives off the harshest light ever. i thought i would just get used to it over time but it never fails: every time i turn on a light i can't help but utter, "ugh". i suppose it's a small price to pay for the good that it does but it will involve me getting over my obsession with wanting a room to feel 'warm'. maybe we'll just switch to candles.