July 5-17, 2011
The computer has been occupado lately. Brian was upgrading to Windows 7 and he's also been on the computer for what feels like weeks researching how to ditch cable and still get to watch the shows we like. That's my excuse for not posting any pictures for a while and thus begins the recap:
Firstly, we have been pounded daily with torrential downpours and some of the craziest thunder & lightning I have seen in a long time.
Despite the anxiety the storms have caused in my soul, they have produced some amazing rainbows (which I've been reminded are hard to capture). Many of which have been double rainbows which only makes Brian and I yelp & wail and ask, "What does it mean?"
In other news, one of my tomatoes turned red! I don't eat straight up tomatoes but Brian said it was delicious. What I'm learning from my teeny little garden is that the supply does not match the demand.
Last weekend I had Brian come with me to Boulder to check out A Paris St. Market. I have now realized that Brian's presence hinders me from spending money so I didn't take home any treasures. I was sufficiently tortured by all the things I wanted and we also found the gentleman below. Most of me wonders what it's like to wake up on a Saturday and say, "I think I'm going to go stand on the corner and share my thoughts".

I've also had a creativity kick lately. First I felt inspired to just play around with some fabric scraps I have and created a bracelet. I showed it to Brian and he said, "It's nice...but it's falling apart". Apparently he doesn't share my creative vision, but I think it's fun. I also learned how to sew a button on with my sewing machine. Why on earth I didn't read the manual years ago is beyond me- it's so awesome.
I also made a dress and realized I should've been working with knits making potato sack dresses from the beginning. It was WAY easier than the other dresses I've made and it actually fits, too. It's a little busy with all the patterns but I like it a lot.

Yesterday was our 6-year anniversary. We celebrated with dinner at Earl's downtown where we ate more than we have in a few months. My treat for the evening was a Bellini. Don't be fooled by the look on my face, it was delicious. The only reason I look like Popeye is because the restaurant was incredibly dark and the flash made it almost impossible to keep my eyes open.
The rest of the weekend has been spent trying to work off the food baby from last night.
T-T-T-T-T-T-hat's all for now folks.
Firstly, we have been pounded daily with torrential downpours and some of the craziest thunder & lightning I have seen in a long time.
Despite the anxiety the storms have caused in my soul, they have produced some amazing rainbows (which I've been reminded are hard to capture). Many of which have been double rainbows which only makes Brian and I yelp & wail and ask, "What does it mean?"

T-T-T-T-T-T-hat's all for now folks.
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