July 2-4, 2011
The past few days have been full of activity so I feel like I can make up for my lack of pictures lately with a plethora of them for you from this weekend.
The theme words for this weekend are: Summer-breeze (cue Seals & Crofts) and water.
On Saturday we slept in and then decided to go hiking in Cache La Poudre canyon with Mt. McConnell as our goal. Remember how I said we slept in? That meant we didn't get started until about 2pm and I suddenly remembered why people always recommend you hike early and nap later. It was HOT. Each of us brought one water bottle and I threw in a third since I knew I'd have to share with Stella. We had consumed 2 of those bottles before we even got to the top. Kind of scary and kind of frustrating in the midst of my desire to drink an entire lake. Our hearing started to go and sweat was literally falling off of me in streams. However, when we turned a bend and saw this view, it all became worth it.
happy to be on our way down and in the shade

The theme words for this weekend are: Summer-breeze (cue Seals & Crofts) and water.
On Saturday we slept in and then decided to go hiking in Cache La Poudre canyon with Mt. McConnell as our goal. Remember how I said we slept in? That meant we didn't get started until about 2pm and I suddenly remembered why people always recommend you hike early and nap later. It was HOT. Each of us brought one water bottle and I threw in a third since I knew I'd have to share with Stella. We had consumed 2 of those bottles before we even got to the top. Kind of scary and kind of frustrating in the midst of my desire to drink an entire lake. Our hearing started to go and sweat was literally falling off of me in streams. However, when we turned a bend and saw this view, it all became worth it.
Yesterday, we went to the Rockies vs Royals game after church with our friends Kristen and Dave. It was a miserably long game in which we miserably lost. BUT, amidst the sadness and frustration, they brought a smile to my face with their patriotic display of the player at bat:

The temperature was so high yesterday, this is what my water bottle looked like when we got back to our car after the game:
That meant it was time to stop for our new $5 6-pack of choice:
Today, we decided to take it easy. We slept in, made pancakes, and then I decided to make Stella a cute little bandanna.
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