July 20-24, 2011
Here is a picture recap of the past week:
Pinned again. Don't be fooled by her size. She's 8 lbs of fury.
It was my night to cook dinner so I whipped up some stir fry. Brian took a bite and asked what spices I used. I told him it was white pepper, cayenne pepper, and chili powder. He then asked how much of each I used. I told him I didn't know so I simulated shaking in the spices for each one: about 6-7 shakes per spice. Except that I felt moved to add a second dose of the white pepper, so about 11 shakes of that one. Our noses were running and then he looked at me and whispered, "I don't think I can do it". I ate my whole helping and then ate the left-overs all week. I guess I needed a good cleansing of my sinuses.
I was getting my weekly dose of The Bachelorette and saw a commercial for the upcoming season of "Bachelor Pad"...Oh.My.Goodness. He's baaaaaack. I feel like he's drinking the same koolaid as Charlie Sheen. Wow.
Just my cute kitties hanging out on the ledge. I love Skookum's yeti feet.
My employer is awesome and paid for us to spend the day at a Rockies Game. Best day of my week! Except that we lost and my friend Kristen is a Braves fan.
I went for a bike ride at dusk. The sunset was amazing.
I told Brian I wanted to go for a long walk. He suggested we walk to Higgy's Ice Cream Shoppe to use our Groupon. I google-mapped it: over 5 miles one way...We decided to go for it and left at 7:15pm. Turns out ice cream is popular in the summer so we waited in line for our ice cream for 40 minutes which put us getting home at 11:30pm. I definitely got my wish for a long walk and we're all limping today but I feel a lot better about that decision rather than watching TV all night.
Brian came in from checking the mail and told me something really bad had come in the mail. My mind started racing with what could've possibly happened and then he pulled this catalog from behind his back. It's finally here! The grand opening is this Wednesday and I can't contain my excitement.
Well, that about sums up the past week. See you next time!

Well, that about sums up the past week. See you next time!
I approve of Zac Efron as well.