July 25-31, 2011
The best part of last week was the surprise get-away Brian planned as an "Anniversary Trip" of sorts. He rented a tiny little A-Frame cabin in the mountains above Evergreen, CO and it was perfect. He said he picked it because I tend to complain that whenever we travel we wear ourselves out and I would love to just rest for a change on a vacation. He picked Evergreen because it's within an hour from our house so we wouldn't have to spend a lot of time traveling and he picked a cabin in the woods so we could just relax and be quiet with the option of doing things if we felt like it. We spent the first day just enjoying our quaint little cabin, we slept in the next day and then went on a hike to see the Lower Maxwell Falls and on Sunday we drove to the top of Mt. Evans. Here it is in pictures:

I may or may not have decided to read this as a joke and then ended up reading 1/4th of it...

Happy day, that's all for now!
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