August 22-29, 2011
On this week's episode of my life...
I was out walking the dog on my lunch break and when I came back to the front door this monster made me jump. He was seriously the size of my finger and not something I'm used to seeing here in CO.
I think it's a caterpillar...Is it? I dunno, I just hope he eats spiders because there have been too many daddylonglegs on my door frame lately.
On Friday night we took my parents to see The Beatles Tribute Band at Red Rocks as a late anniversary gift. This is a crappy picture but proves I was there. I really enjoyed it! I was only disappointed that they only paid tribute to their early stuff and didn't venture into the 70's. I would recommend it, I think they said they come every year to commemorate when The Beatles played at Red Rocks in 1964. One of my favorite moments was when they told the crowd to purchase their CD and my mom leaned over to me and whispered, "People know they can still purchase actual Beatles music, right?"
And now, an update on the kitchen because I know you are all so interested. If you don't care, you can probably just skip the rest of this blog entry because this is all we've really been doing.
Here is Brian putting the cabinets/drawers back together with the help of The Bean.
Chuck protested the reattachment of the doors. She lost that battle.
The joys of trying to cook during construction.
But it's worth it! Here is the completion of Phase I: Cabinets...

This is Brian attempting to see if he can indeed remove the counter-tops himself to avoid having to pay $8-$10/square foot for someone else to do it. After a lot of banging and some wall damage- he got this section off.
And thus begins Phase II: Appliances...Here is the new stove we purchased from a nice couple on Craigslist.
I'll admit I was a little overwhelmed with all my options with this one. Our other oven had 4 options: oven on, oven off, burner on, burner off.
I immediately baked something and then Brian made dinner.
Do you know what is a small luxury in life? Burners that aren't slanted and cook your food evenly.
And now let me introduce you to our new dishwasher that we purchased from the same nice couple on Craigslist. Another small luxury: we can now watch TV and run the dishwasher at the same time and still hear what the people on said TV are saying! The picture is nice and crooked because I had a lapse in judgement and tried lining the picture up with the tile grid instead of just looking at what the picture looked like.
Yesterday we spent most of our day hunting down everything else. We went to Costco and bought a new garbage disposal. Yet another small luxury- now Brian won't have to completely disassemble the plumbing every few weeks when the garbage disposal decides it can't handle the potato peel bits I slowly add one at a time.
This bad boy has the highest horsepower you can legally buy and can eat through bones. Basically we can finally dispose of that body we've been keeping under the house.
Then we drove all the way down to Centennial to look at an undermount sink Brian found on Craigslist. He's been researching sinks and he had me come look at one on Amazon and after I said I liked it, he showed me the price: $649. I'm sorry, why did you have me look at this sink??
Then he showed me that he found one on Craigslist for $200 and that it normally retails for closer to $900. Seriously, who pays $900 for a sink? I'm sorry if you are one of those people and I've offended you but you might need to rethink your life and how you choose to spend your money. Anyway, it's a really nice sink and I like that it's got a different shape so we bought it.
While we were down at that end of town we stopped at IKEA again to return some things that didn't work out and ended up buying a new faucet as well. We chose this one:
We also stopped at Sears to purchase a new refrigerator but it won't arrive until September 13th. It sounds like the company will install our counter-tops about that same time as well.
Now that we've spent all our money, we're moving onto Phase III: Painting. We'll see when we get the time to actually do it.
And with that, I leave you Princess Chuck and the Pea.
See ya later!
P.S. Blarg, I just burned the rice I was cooking. Did you know burnt rice smells like burnt popcorn?
I was out walking the dog on my lunch break and when I came back to the front door this monster made me jump. He was seriously the size of my finger and not something I'm used to seeing here in CO.
On Friday night we took my parents to see The Beatles Tribute Band at Red Rocks as a late anniversary gift. This is a crappy picture but proves I was there. I really enjoyed it! I was only disappointed that they only paid tribute to their early stuff and didn't venture into the 70's. I would recommend it, I think they said they come every year to commemorate when The Beatles played at Red Rocks in 1964. One of my favorite moments was when they told the crowd to purchase their CD and my mom leaned over to me and whispered, "People know they can still purchase actual Beatles music, right?"
Here is Brian putting the cabinets/drawers back together with the help of The Bean.
Then he showed me that he found one on Craigslist for $200 and that it normally retails for closer to $900. Seriously, who pays $900 for a sink? I'm sorry if you are one of those people and I've offended you but you might need to rethink your life and how you choose to spend your money. Anyway, it's a really nice sink and I like that it's got a different shape so we bought it.
And with that, I leave you Princess Chuck and the Pea.
P.S. Blarg, I just burned the rice I was cooking. Did you know burnt rice smells like burnt popcorn?
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