The Inner Fears of an Introvert.

Brian left this a.m. to head to Vegas for business & for some reason I'm feeling rather lost without him this time. I decided I've been going, going, going and I deserved a day of nothing. I stayed in my pajamas, made some toast and cruised through my netflix to see what was available. I decided to watch the original "Gray Gardens" documentary. While fascinating, I suddenly felt like if I didn't get off the couch and go do something I would end up my very own blend of Gray Garden lunatic. Newsflash: I'm an introvert. I know, I know, I just blew your mind a little. I tend to get a little depressed if I don't have time to myself but if I'm not careful, I get sucked into this black hole of nothingness and I suddenly become all too comfortable being by myself and lose my desire to interact with others. Actually, the better way to phrase it is: I become terrified of other people. I've spent a lot of energy and have forked over enough money ...