I like this

I’ve found a new passion (it’s about time), and that is…sewing and fabric-stuffs. I love the possibilities it has invited into my brain and I can’t get enough of reading about projects or buying books about all the things I can do; however, now I have a pile of books and supplies, which causes me to feel completely overwhelmed and I don’t know what to do first.
It’s awesome.
You know what else is awesome? To me, it’s not just a new hobby but a new lifestyle. All of a sudden I want to make more than just stuffs with my sewing machine. Basically this new interest has spilled over into all areas of my life and has made me want to be more creative in all that I do. From how I dress, to what I eat.
Dudes, I have emerged from my cocoon and I am hankering to make stuff.
All that to say, I feel like I need to make a list of things I want to do in an attempt to cut down on this looming cloud of overwhelmocity (that’s right, I made up a word).
My Little List of Excitement and Torment:
My Little List of Excitement and Torment:
1. Appliqué some throw pillows for the bedroom
2. Make new Christmas stockings
3. Sew myself some slippers
4. Make peppermint, chocolate-covered marshmallows from scratch. Why? Because it was brought to my attention that it’s even possible to make my own marshmallows. I guess the alternative is that they grow on trees, which is just silly (but would definitely be something I might try to grow...and then subsequently kill after a few weeks, I’m sure)
5. Learn to screen print
6. Make dresses from my intimidating Japanese dress book (that sure is NOT translated into English)
7. Learn to make my own patterns …and be brave enough to design something myself
9. Make things for other people more often
10. Get good enough that others might wish to buy my things on occasion
I think that suffices for now.... Good things come in 10's (such as easy math problems).
2. Make new Christmas stockings
3. Sew myself some slippers
4. Make peppermint, chocolate-covered marshmallows from scratch. Why? Because it was brought to my attention that it’s even possible to make my own marshmallows. I guess the alternative is that they grow on trees, which is just silly (but would definitely be something I might try to grow...and then subsequently kill after a few weeks, I’m sure)
5. Learn to screen print
6. Make dresses from my intimidating Japanese dress book (that sure is NOT translated into English)
7. Learn to make my own patterns …and be brave enough to design something myself
9. Make things for other people more often
10. Get good enough that others might wish to buy my things on occasion
I think that suffices for now.... Good things come in 10's (such as easy math problems).
Thanks for listening internet, I feel better now.
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