The Inner Fears of an Introvert.

Brian left this a.m. to head to Vegas for business & for some reason I'm feeling rather lost without him this time. I decided I've been going, going, going and I deserved a day of nothing. I stayed in my pajamas, made some toast and cruised through my netflix to see what was available. I decided to watch the original "Gray Gardens" documentary. While fascinating, I suddenly felt like if I didn't get off the couch and go do something I would end up my very own blend of Gray Garden lunatic.
Newsflash: I'm an introvert. I know, I know, I just blew your mind a little. I tend to get a little depressed if I don't have time to myself but if I'm not careful, I get sucked into this black hole of nothingness and I suddenly become all too comfortable being by myself and lose my desire to interact with others. Actually, the better way to phrase it is: I become terrified of other people. I've spent a lot of energy and have forked over enough money in counseling to fund a small scholarship in order to overcome many of my fears... so it seems I walk a fine line every day as I attempt to find the balance of nurturing the needs of my soul but not falling back into the abyss of fear and loneliness. How sad is it that I can all-too-easily see myself becoming one of those women in that movie? Finding no need to ever leave my house, talking to my 8 cats, having my groceries delivered, and heading up to the attic occasionally to feed the live-in raccoons a bag of wonderbread and cat chow...~shiver~
So, I got dressed today and went out into the world instead of staying inside with my cats all day and I'm claiming it was necessary therapy as opposed to me just finding excuses to avoid my chores. Sounds reasonable, right?
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