My biggest wish as I turned 33 this weekend was to part ways with my long, stringy locks. I am happy to say that my wish came true and I have never felt so free. My BFF Constantin did the honors and the second he cut that pony tail off-- Ahhh, instant relief.
I was starting to think it was out to get me and I will not miss waking up in the middle of the night with it wrapped around my neck. I know people cut their hair all the time but I'm fairly certain I will never have hair this long again in my life so it feels like a minor momentous occasion worth documenting.
A couple of days before the big chop. I could almost tuck it into my pants.
Nuts, maybe I should have waited until after I could have put that on my resume. |
However, I couldn't say good-bye without putting it to some good use first.
Sophisticated Sassy. |
Long locks. |
The side pony. |
Why won't anyone go out with me? |
Comb over curl. |
Swoosh. |
Ultimate Old man Comb over. |
I realized as I was typing this post, you'd probably be expecting an after picture so here you go. Please forgive my appearance, I just worked out and I'm in my PJ's.
Oh wait, I do have one from my birthday:
Yes, that is an Oreo Blizzard ice cream cake and yes, I did gain 3 pounds in 24 hours. |
Mmmmmmmmm...... Oreo blizzard ice cream cake. (I'm a guy, so that is my takeaway from your post about your haircut)