Would you like some cheese with that whine?

**This is an indulgent, whiney post. You are excused.**

Do you ever have one of those days?

I know you do. It was kind of a rhetorical question, mostly just to get the post started.

I had my “one of those days” yesterday and today I’m beginning to think it might turn into “one of those weeks”. I really just want to go back to bed and stay there for a few days.

Yesterday was Monday. In the wise words of The Mamas & The Papas:

Every other day, every other day,
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever Monday comes, but whenever Monday comes
You can find me cryin' all of the time

I was tired and I hadn’t slept well because I had apparently squeezed a bottle too hard the day before which caused my hand to ache all night long (Reason # 2,968 getting old is for the birds).

Let’s take a moment to re-cap:

  • ·         It was Monday
  • ·         I didn’t sleep, therefore I was tired
  • ·         My hand was killing me

Now, let’s continue. My doctor wants me to have a procedure titled “HSG”. That stands for “Hysterosalpingogram”, which is actually a pretty fun word to say if you can make it through all the letters. In a nutshell, they pump some dye into my lady organs and watch it via x-ray to make sure the dye can make it through all my tubes. It’s really the only test I haven’t had in relation to my inability to get pregnant. You have to have the procedure at a certain point in your cycle so it was time to make the appointment yesterday. I called and had to explain things over and over and over and over and over. Those ‘overs’ aren’t an exaggeration. I was transferred to 5 different people and put on hold in between each one. I hate everything that accompanies going to doctors and this is always the cherry on top. Why does it always have to be so hard?

Each conversation went something like this:

Person: You need a what appointment?
Me: I need to schedule an HSG exam with radiology
Person: What is an HSG exam?

How ‘bout you just send me to radiology like I asked. Mmmm’kay?

Then I had to go pick up a prescription for the procedure on my lunch break. I know that doesn’t sound all that terrible but I am not the kind of person who likes to be productive on her lunch break. That is my veg and recharge time before I go back to being productive.

Another recap:
  • ·         It was Monday
  • ·         I didn’t sleep, therefore I was tired
  • ·         My hand was killing me
  • ·         I spent too much time in the doctor/phone rabbit hole
  • ·         I had to use precious minutes on my lunch break at the drug store

After work I decided to run to Great Clips to get a trim. Back story: I have been neglecting my hair since April because I thought I would be cutting it short soon. I recently had a change of heart and decided to wait until next spring to cut it; however, in order to survive I needed a change. I decided I wanted to get it dyed in a fun ombre style. I looked up prices and then tried to convince Brian it was a great idea. He was not as excited about it as I was so I decided to compromise. I researched home ombre kits. The YouTube made it look pretty easy so I told him I would do it myself and use the $8.99 Great Clips coupon from the newspaper to clean up the ends of my hair. Am I a good wife or what?

Homemade Ombre

Anywho, I ran over to Great Clips after work. I don’t really like going to Great Clips so I was already feeling both weary and wary about being there. The lady who did my hair noticed my homemade ombre dye job and said she didn’t understand the style and thinks girls should just touch up their roots already. Then she said if I’m trying to look like Beyoncé I’m behind because she just chopped off all her hair. I wish I had had the guts to say, “I asked you to cut my hair, not to insult me”. Then she proceeded to butcher my bangs. I have never in my life had anyone cut bangs the way this lady did. It was very weed whacker-esque. The moral of the story: you get what you pay for.

After dinner Brian and I went to Lowes to return a few things. We got out of the car and Brian stopped and said, “Uh oh”. I looked up to see a plume of smoke in the near distance. Oh. Crap. When we came out of Lowes it looked even worse so we decided to skip shopping and head home. On the way home it just erupted into a giant plume of smoke and it was raining ash. We got home and jumped into action putting all the irreplaceable items by the door for evacuation and began searching online for more information. We knew when we moved here there was no way we’d live the rest of our lives without encountering a wildfire but my only (irrational) thought was, “Not yet! I’m not ready!” We were blessed with a fairly decent rain shower at 10pm and we are also lucky that it’s in a fairly remote area (so far).

What we saw from Lowes in West Glenwood seconds before it erupted
For perspective
Let’s check the list again:
  • ·         It was Monday
  • ·         I didn’t sleep, therefore I was tired
  • ·         My hand was killing me
  • ·         I spent too much time in the doctor/phone rabbit hole
  • ·         I used precious minutes on my lunch break at the drug store
  • ·         I had a horrible Great Clips experience
  • ·         The Red Canyon Wildfire scared me and gave me ulcers

We went to sleep hoping the city has some way to tell us if we need to run for our lives in the middle of the night. This morning, the latest report says it is still 0% contained and is up to 150-200 acres so, I can’t relax yet.

My procedure is tomorrow so I have to start a round of antibiotics today. I took one right when I woke up in order to follow the ‘empty stomach’ rule. I don’t know if it was mental from reading the side-effects the night before but I started to feel really sick to my stomach and with the constant smell of smoke plus the smell of coffee, it took all I could muster to not throw up and get myself to work.

The run-down on why this is becoming “one of those weeks”:

  • ·         It was Monday
  • ·         I didn’t sleep, therefore I was tired
  • ·         My hand was killing me
  • ·         I spent too much time in the doctor/phone rabbit hole
  • ·         I used precious minutes on my lunch break at the drug store
  • ·         I had a horrible Great Clips experience
  • ·         The Red Canyon Wildfire scared me and gave me ulcers

Tuesday (so far):
  • ·         The fire is still not contained
  • ·         My RX made me incredibly nauseated
  • ·         My hand is still killing me

I have a rule that I’m only allowed to complain if I also acknowledge some good things as well:

  • ·         The ceiling tiles I picked out for the new house came yesterday and I really like them
  • ·         I work in a building with air so I don’t have to smell smoke all day
  • ·         I feel better now and was able to eat breakfast (and I didn’t throw up)
  • ·         I slept well last night
  • ·         We’re all still alive
Always look at the bright side of life.


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