10 Years and Other Tidbits
Guess what, everybody! On this day in 2003 (i.e. 10 years ago), Brian and I had a our DTR (Define the Relationship) talk. We had been dating/seeing each other for a couple weeks and had gone on a couple dates but I was graduating soon and was planning to move back to Colorado Springs.
Really, we hardly knew each other. It was not at all one of those scenarios where we had known each other forever before we started dating- this dude came out of nowhere. Therefore, the big question on both of our minds was, "How do we leave this?"
I didn't really feel all that confident that we could survive a long distance relationship with such a small foundation to build upon and Brian still had 2 years of school left, so it would be a pretty extensive time frame. And then what? Would he move to Colorado? I had no idea what this virtual stranger would do and I honestly couldn't see how it would all work out.
After discussing it, we agreed that it was too bad the timing didn't work out and that we would just be friends; maybe email each other on occasion (we are old and Facebook wasn't a thing yet) and if something more ended up coming out of it, then great. Then he drove me back to the dorms and things got awkward. He helped me up to my room (I was on crutches with a broken ankle) and I remember we both just kind of stood there silently, not knowing what to say, and then he quickly said good-bye and left.
I spent the next few hours feeling tormented.
Did we do the right thing? What the heck is going on? I don't want to just be friends, do I? Yes, yes I do. I can't handle another relationship, it will only end in tears. But I really do like him! Wah! Blah blah blah.
I got on my computer to check my email and heard the ding of an IM coming through and my heart skipped when I saw it was brian0850085 (or something like that, my memory isn't that great). I was both relieved and nervous because things were left on such an awkward note. Maybe we could communicate better via IM and feel less tormented about everything. But, the more we typed the more tormented I felt because I really started to feel it was worth a shot to at least give it a chance, even if it really did end in tears. Finally, Brian was brave enough to say the words:
"I don't want to just be friends. I think we should go for it. What do you think?"
I'm really glad this was not in person because I had a chance to freak out in my room, by myself, as I decided how I wanted to respond.
Lots of squealing and pacing and, just freaking out.
My response ended up being, "What the hell, let's do it". Super calm and cool. Thank you, IM.
I think he responded with something like, "Yes, what the hell! Let's do it!"
And then I had a boyfriend. *Squeal*
This all occurred at about 2am and so we kind of consider the anniversary of our official declaration to be a 2 day event (or an extra day to remember if one of us forgets). The next week, I ended up getting an invitation to live with some girls in Spokane, which felt crazy, but I jumped on it to help our relationship have a better chance at survival... and the rest is history!
How did we celebrate today? We watched the free online baseball game of the day (which was luckily the Rockies) and drank beer and ate sunflower seeds- perfect evening.
A lot can happen in 10 years. When we were dating, I would literally cry if he made me watch baseball. Happy 10 years of monogamy, Brian!
A couple side notes:
Really, we hardly knew each other. It was not at all one of those scenarios where we had known each other forever before we started dating- this dude came out of nowhere. Therefore, the big question on both of our minds was, "How do we leave this?"
I didn't really feel all that confident that we could survive a long distance relationship with such a small foundation to build upon and Brian still had 2 years of school left, so it would be a pretty extensive time frame. And then what? Would he move to Colorado? I had no idea what this virtual stranger would do and I honestly couldn't see how it would all work out.
After discussing it, we agreed that it was too bad the timing didn't work out and that we would just be friends; maybe email each other on occasion (we are old and Facebook wasn't a thing yet) and if something more ended up coming out of it, then great. Then he drove me back to the dorms and things got awkward. He helped me up to my room (I was on crutches with a broken ankle) and I remember we both just kind of stood there silently, not knowing what to say, and then he quickly said good-bye and left.
I spent the next few hours feeling tormented.
Did we do the right thing? What the heck is going on? I don't want to just be friends, do I? Yes, yes I do. I can't handle another relationship, it will only end in tears. But I really do like him! Wah! Blah blah blah.
I got on my computer to check my email and heard the ding of an IM coming through and my heart skipped when I saw it was brian0850085 (or something like that, my memory isn't that great). I was both relieved and nervous because things were left on such an awkward note. Maybe we could communicate better via IM and feel less tormented about everything. But, the more we typed the more tormented I felt because I really started to feel it was worth a shot to at least give it a chance, even if it really did end in tears. Finally, Brian was brave enough to say the words:
"I don't want to just be friends. I think we should go for it. What do you think?"
I'm really glad this was not in person because I had a chance to freak out in my room, by myself, as I decided how I wanted to respond.
Lots of squealing and pacing and, just freaking out.
My response ended up being, "What the hell, let's do it". Super calm and cool. Thank you, IM.
I think he responded with something like, "Yes, what the hell! Let's do it!"
And then I had a boyfriend. *Squeal*
This all occurred at about 2am and so we kind of consider the anniversary of our official declaration to be a 2 day event (or an extra day to remember if one of us forgets). The next week, I ended up getting an invitation to live with some girls in Spokane, which felt crazy, but I jumped on it to help our relationship have a better chance at survival... and the rest is history!
How did we celebrate today? We watched the free online baseball game of the day (which was luckily the Rockies) and drank beer and ate sunflower seeds- perfect evening.
A lot can happen in 10 years. When we were dating, I would literally cry if he made me watch baseball. Happy 10 years of monogamy, Brian!
A couple side notes:
- In the 7th inning, this bird decided to sit on the field behind the pitcher and he just sat there for the whole inning. The camera would occasionally throw in a shot of him and it cracked me up. He was so chill, like, "I got the best seat in the house, losers!" Then the Rockies got a grand slam & now I really love that little bird.
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- I spent Wednesday through Friday in Denver with my boss for a conference. It snowed on Wednesday and our drive down was horrible. HOR-RIBLE. H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. In all my years living in Colorado, I think that was the worst experience I've ever had. We got stuck after passing Silverthorne, as we were heading up to the Eisenhower tunnel. The roads were so slick, tires were spinning, cars were moving in directions other than forward and visibility was nil. I checked the CDOT (Colorado Dept of Transportation) app on my phone only see that they had closed the highway behind us, which meant we were the lucky ones to have to get through it. Thankfully, we survived, but not without some gray hairs and ulcers. Anyhow, NPR posted an aerial view of Colorado before and after the storm and I thought it was kind of cool.
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Colorado on April 27th |
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After the May 1st storm |
- We are officially under contract now for our house and the inspection went really well! However, I made the mistake of putting a countdown to closing day on my tablet. It was really depressing to see "135 days". ~sigh~ In the words of Jay Z's 2000 classic, Big Pimpin': "I got no patience, & I hate waitin"
- And with that, I leave you with this:
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