Sept 1-11, 2011
Hola! We spent the first weekend of the month (also known as Labor Day Weekend) celebrating our labors in Seattle. We met Brian's parents there and stayed with my brother-in-law Aaron who graciously opened his home to us. We spent the majority of our time at Bumbershoot which was both fun and exhausting. Did you know that Bumbershoot is another word for an umbrella? A festival that is basically called Umbrella in Seattle- get it? However, we were lucky and had cloudless, sunny skies the whole weekend and left our bumbershoots at home.

This is titled "They underestimated the popularity of School of Seven Bells" and probably should have put them in a bigger venue. The line was super long.
Probably the best snack of all time- right Kristen Correia? Brian and I sat on the roof-top patio of Aaron's building to enjoy the view and I'm pretty sure I drank half of this bottle myself.
When I got back to work, some of the student workers had decorated my desk with stickers & captions. I have to admit it made my morning a little brighter. Here's a sample:
We spent our first night back running errands and getting our oil changed. It took over an hour so we had a little date night in the Sears Auto Lounge watching "National Treasure". I was reminded that I really like those movies despite my ire for Nicholas Cage. Shudder.
One of our errands was to purchase new door knobs for the kitchen doors. Putting in stainless steel appliances really makes those gold door knobs stand out in a bad way.
Replacing the door knobs then made us realize the hinges were gold, too. Do you see the slippery slope it is to redo your kitchen? Brian decided instead of purchasing new hinges, he would just spray paint them to match so he got out his sander to sand them down and realized they were stainless steel underneath the gold layer. It was kind of like tearing out your carpet only to discover hardwood floors underneath. Every penny we save is a blessing at this point.
The weirdest part of the week was coming home to find the temperature to have lowered drastically. It felt like we missed something while we were in Seattle- we left and it was still in the 80's, we got back and it felt really chilly! I needed a coat for the first time in a long time and my morning walks with Stella have been far less than comfortable. Plus, Starbucks has pulled out the Fall flavors so I guess it's official right? I just can't believe it's already that time of year.
My favorite part of the cooler weather is that you can hike in the afternoon and not die of heat stroke. On Saturday we leisurely got ready for the day and after lunch we drove to Golden Gate State Park to go for a hike. A couple years ago, the State Parks celebrated their 50th Anniversary so they handed out passports to collect stamps for each park. We're still collecting those stamps and hadn't gotten one at Golden Gate yet so we stopped at the visitor's center. The following picture may not be suitable for any Type A personalities out there.
The ding dong stamped the wrong park! You can't just pick whichever circle you feel like. THEY'RE LABELED. See how there's a nice circle on the right that says "Golden Gate"? A large part of me wanted to ask for a new book and just have to start all over again. The other part of me wanted to cry a little bit but I did some deep breathing and just assured myself that if we ever make it to Bonny Lake (wherever that is), I can just ask them to stamp it in Golden Gate's spot. ~sigh~

When I got back to work, some of the student workers had decorated my desk with stickers & captions. I have to admit it made my morning a little brighter. Here's a sample:
That's about the only update on the kitchen saga. The fridge is supposed to arrive this week and the countertops will get to the store this week but I think they still have to do something to them before they can actually install so it might still be a while before those are done.
The weirdest part of the week was coming home to find the temperature to have lowered drastically. It felt like we missed something while we were in Seattle- we left and it was still in the 80's, we got back and it felt really chilly! I needed a coat for the first time in a long time and my morning walks with Stella have been far less than comfortable. Plus, Starbucks has pulled out the Fall flavors so I guess it's official right? I just can't believe it's already that time of year.
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