Worm Savior

Lately, my daily walks include worm rescue missions. I can't walk away when I see a worm performing the death squirm on the sidewalk. I can't stand to see anything wriggle slowly towards death but worms are the lucky ones because I'm not terrified of touching them. Today there was a giant worm in a puddle. I went to rescue him but it would violently squirm away from me each time I tried so I said, "Fine, go ahead and drown" and continued on my walk. 15 minutes later I still couldn't shake the image of the worm dying when I could obviously bully him into cooperating. I mean, it's not like he's stronger than me. So, I back-tracked and found a twig that I thought would help me get a handle on him. He had actually made it out of the puddle, which I'm sure he felt pretty stoked about, except that he was inching his way into the street. I said, "Way to waste all your energy to be run over by a car. I mean, these people run over bunnies and squirrels...