an old idea but a good one
It took me a while to decide to commit but I have decided that this year I want to post a picture each day. I love 'chronicling' my life so this fits in quite nicely. I also hope it will help me remember the simple things this year.
Since it's already January 3rd, let's catch up:

January 2, 2011: I got me some western boots! Thanks Christmas money! Now I just have to learn how to wear ankle cowboy boots. I think I changed 16 times this morning trying to figure something out. In the midst of that fiasco I heard myself utter the statement I usually revert back to: If only I could manage to lose 15 lbs, wearing these would be so effortless. Gotta love the "If only" statements. Maybe I should make a resolution to stop using those...
January 1, 2011: Fat cat in a little sweater.
This is how I celebrate the new year: I torture my cats. Don't be fooled by her grumpy, flattened ears and her refusal to look at the camera. I know for a fact she loves wearing tiny dog sweaters. Happy New Year!
Since it's already January 3rd, let's catch up:
January 3, 2011: I've decided to learn to knit. So far, I don't find it as relaxing as people have led me to believe. My fingers hurt as well as my back and my neck. However, I have no plans to give it up quite yet.
This is how I celebrate the new year: I torture my cats. Don't be fooled by her grumpy, flattened ears and her refusal to look at the camera. I know for a fact she loves wearing tiny dog sweaters. Happy New Year!
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