I like this

I am reminiscent of the caterpillar/butterfly lesson I was taught in first grade. You know the one…You put the ugly little caterpillars in the clear box with a twig. Each day in class you watch the caterpillars as they make their cocoon and then wait in anticipation for the day when they would appear again as a butterfly. Even though that transformation has become a fairly cliché metaphor, I can’t help but feel that it fits where I am right now. I’ve found a new passion (it’s about time), and that is…sewing and fabric-stuffs. I love the possibilities it has invited into my brain and I can’t get enough of reading about projects or buying books about all the things I can do; however, now I have a pile of books and supplies, which causes me to feel completely overwhelmed and I don’t know what to do first. It’s awesome. You know what else is awesome? To me, it’s not just a new hobby but a new lifestyle. All of a sudden I want to make more than just stuffs with my sewing machine. Basically...