arm sculpting

i've always thought i had "fat arm" genes and there was absolutely nothing i could do about it. i have worked out consistently before and have seen no definition form in my arms no matter what i did. i even had a personal trainer for a while and still, nothing.
well, i found this article saying that no matter what genes you have, you can always have thin arms...for some reason, that was the hook for me. i know every magazine article says they have the answer to all your body problems but this one seemed do-able. there are 4 or so exercises that you are supposed to do for an allotted amount of time equaling 15 minutes in total. what's 15 minutes of my day, right? easy. and then you are just supposed to do that 15 minute work-out at least 4 days a week. still, i can do that. i tried them out the other day (wednesday night) and they honestly kicked my butt 30 seconds into the thing! you start out by doing push-ups for 4 minutes. 4 MINUTES. that's a long time to be doing push-ups. i have never experienced minutes going that slow. never. not even at work. that was definitely the butt kicker for me. after that, my arms were convulsing so bad, even the easy exercises were hard. but, i figure that if i really stick to it, i damn sure will have some nice arms.
all that to say, right now i can hardly lift my arms to scratch an itch on my nose without my arms burning like hell.
well, i found this article saying that no matter what genes you have, you can always have thin arms...for some reason, that was the hook for me. i know every magazine article says they have the answer to all your body problems but this one seemed do-able. there are 4 or so exercises that you are supposed to do for an allotted amount of time equaling 15 minutes in total. what's 15 minutes of my day, right? easy. and then you are just supposed to do that 15 minute work-out at least 4 days a week. still, i can do that. i tried them out the other day (wednesday night) and they honestly kicked my butt 30 seconds into the thing! you start out by doing push-ups for 4 minutes. 4 MINUTES. that's a long time to be doing push-ups. i have never experienced minutes going that slow. never. not even at work. that was definitely the butt kicker for me. after that, my arms were convulsing so bad, even the easy exercises were hard. but, i figure that if i really stick to it, i damn sure will have some nice arms.
all that to say, right now i can hardly lift my arms to scratch an itch on my nose without my arms burning like hell.
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