easter tidings

for easter weekend, brian and i went down to colorado springs to spend it with my parents and my nana. my nana just recently moved into a retirement home, only to fall and break her hip 2 weeks later. now she's in rehab and she's so bored there, with all the comotose old people, she got it in her mind to escape. she tried to convince a man named carl to go with her. this turned out to be her biggest mistake because he narked on her and the nurses found her. she has one of those $5000, 1 million ton electric scooters and so far, we can tell she didn't grow up playing video games because she can't seem to figure out how to work the joystick on it. on her mini adventure out of rehab, she ran into a closet door and cut her ankle and had to get bandaged up. the next week, she got bored again and decided she would clean her toilet (with resolve carpet cleaner, i might add) and hit the joystick with her elbow, crushing her foot into the porcelin and she broke her toe. i hope i'm not a cold-hearted person when i say that this is getting kind of humorous. i take solace in it because it means she's not going to let this get her down. she's dying to walk again and have her life back. pretty cool for an 86 year old to stay vibrant through all that.
all that to say, we decided to spend easter at her retirement home.
mom and i thought it would be fun to dye easter eggs with her so we started to set up all the dye and such. mom said, "now let's not spill dye on the carpet, we want our deposit back" and she went to hand me a cup of red dye only for it to slip out of her hands, all over the carpet as well as my beige shirt and white tank top underneath. i had to laugh as we frantically went into action trying to get it out of the carpet as quickly as we could. (i can't remember a single time dye had ever spilled when i did this activity as a child). we were so concerned about the carpet, i didn't get to my shirt right away so it appeared to be ruined. we decided to use the rest of the egg dye to tie-dye my red-splotched white tank top. it turned out pretty cool but easter egg dye isn't as bad as you would think, for my beige shirt is back to normal (may i suggest soaking in dish soap, if any of you ever experience the same problem).
we went to a very nice service at Grace Episcopal Church. it felt like a ceremony for a king- fitting eh?- and i must have had goosebumps through about 90% of the service between the processional, the brass quartet, the choir, and the very 'real' sermon.
brian and i also had a chance to go on a short hike which was much needed exercise and much needed time in the sun.
and now, we're back in the mountains and it's a full-blown, snowy, winter day. ~sigh~ i guess i'll just have to keep spring alive in my heart since mother nature isn't going to cooperate.
all that to say, we decided to spend easter at her retirement home.
mom and i thought it would be fun to dye easter eggs with her so we started to set up all the dye and such. mom said, "now let's not spill dye on the carpet, we want our deposit back" and she went to hand me a cup of red dye only for it to slip out of her hands, all over the carpet as well as my beige shirt and white tank top underneath. i had to laugh as we frantically went into action trying to get it out of the carpet as quickly as we could. (i can't remember a single time dye had ever spilled when i did this activity as a child). we were so concerned about the carpet, i didn't get to my shirt right away so it appeared to be ruined. we decided to use the rest of the egg dye to tie-dye my red-splotched white tank top. it turned out pretty cool but easter egg dye isn't as bad as you would think, for my beige shirt is back to normal (may i suggest soaking in dish soap, if any of you ever experience the same problem).
we went to a very nice service at Grace Episcopal Church. it felt like a ceremony for a king- fitting eh?- and i must have had goosebumps through about 90% of the service between the processional, the brass quartet, the choir, and the very 'real' sermon.
brian and i also had a chance to go on a short hike which was much needed exercise and much needed time in the sun.
and now, we're back in the mountains and it's a full-blown, snowy, winter day. ~sigh~ i guess i'll just have to keep spring alive in my heart since mother nature isn't going to cooperate.
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