Dude, 2022 was Intense

I can’t believe it’s already May. Pretend it's still January and I'm on top of things. 😬 Every January I do a reflection post on the previous year, but this time around I just couldn’t fathom wrapping 2022 up in a succinct little package of ‘here is what I learned and how I grew’. Instead, I felt more inclined to map out the timeline of our second adoption and how I learned and grew throughout that process. So, this is the story about our big life event that occurred early spring 2022, when we met Bennet. It’s going to be long because I want to preserve the details for myself, before my mom-brain confiscates them and hides them in some back-brain drawer that I’ll never find again, the same place it stored my ability to remember what I did or said 14 minutes ago. Here’s the TLDR (“Too Long Didn’t Read”) synopsis for those who don’t care about details: after 1 year and 3 months of process, we were chosen to parent a second child in March 2022… and then things went sideways for a...