A Day for Mothers

As a holiday, Mother’s Day sounds so simple. No one would be here without a mother, so let’s all take a minute to honor them, right? Except it’s not at all that simple. I wish it didn’t have to be such a sensitive and loaded day for so many and I hate that mothers often feel like they have to down-play the day because of all the brokenness that surrounds other women in the world. Obviously Mother’s Day was a bit of a dreaded holiday for me for many, many years. While I loved having a day to celebrate my own mother, it was a big reminder that I was not one and that I had no control over that status. I know I’m not unique and you’ve likely heard similar words every year around mid-May; all that to say, yesterday was my very first Mother’s Day as a mom. I felt relief, I felt joy, I felt special (thanks to my husband’s herculean efforts), but mostly I felt a great wave of gratitude and love for my daughter. It was one of those really good weekends that had a perfect balance of se...