I Have a Toddler Now

Before I get started, I’ll address the gorilla in the room: I have not been blogging. Kids really are vacuum cleaners of your life (in the best way)... If only I could also get her to vacuum the house, as I am apparently incapable of completing that task these days. The first big update is that Adley turned 1 at the end of August! I decided not to do a big shindig and just had a few family members attend. We ordered pizza for lunch while Brian crafted a delightful smoked chicken for dinner. I made a little smash cake with blueberry whipped cream for Adley (she did smash it, she did not really eat it) and we enjoyed a leisurely day of celebrating Adley’s presence in our lives. She thoroughly enjoyed all the attention on her day, was smiley and sweet, and enjoyed opening and playing with her new toys. It was a delightful day and one of which I will cherish the memory. She’s now a solid month into her 2nd year of life and I have to say that things are becomin...