Fluff Piece

I've been feeling thoughts rumbling around in my head, starting to make their way down to my fingertips. I don't know that they've fully arrived yet but I figured I'd give it the old college try. Speaking of college, when I was in college with a hankering to write, but no clue what to write about, I'd make a list instead and I called it a "Time Freeze Scan" (I wanted it to have a clever title but that was all I ever came up with...which is quite the opposite of clever but just go with it). It is a simply me, listing things occupying my time at the moment. I think I'll do that now. December 2017 Time Freeze Scan Current Favorite TV Shows: Haters Back Off! Season 2 (Netflix). I initially wasn't so sure about this show when I first tuned in but I've learned to really enjoy this quirky family. Warning: You really have to enjoy silly humor. Stranger Things Season 2 (Netflix), that show brings me such joy. The 80's theme takes me to my ...