The Road Less-Traveled

We've decided to open our adoption to include foster-to-adopt. This means we could get a call any minute asking us to foster a child. Our adoption specialist said the State won't terminate parental rights (TPR, i.e. the child won't be able to be adopted) until a permanent home has been established. This is definitely a riskier route to go because there's always a chance that the TPR won't happen, but our contact processed around 40 adoptions through foster care last year and she assured us her job is to assess the risk for us when we take in a child. I kind of always knew deep down that God was probably wanting us to pursue becoming a foster family but I was freaked out and not ready to comprehend it. Maybe the year of silence in private adoption was his way of preparing me. Or maybe this is just me being impatient, trying to regain some control Iike I tend to do. "Fine, you won't give us a child through private adoption, then we'll try this"...