Winter & Spring: You Need One to Truly Appreciate the Other

Another post that starts with an apology: I'm sorry that it's already April and I haven't posted since February. Let us catch up. Three words to sum up how the dead of winter went down: Shoveling Kitchen Remodel Snow . Week after week after week. I was ready to go back in time and purchase this sucker. photo cred Damn, she makes melting snow (and burning weeds) look good. Plus, it says it's 100% safe. You can't lose! The piles of snow were as tall as me so I had to lift the shovel as high as I could, and then karate kick the shovel while simultaneously jumping to get the snow up over the pile. I caught my neighbor watching one day; I hope he enjoyed the show. Brian summed it up well when he said the seasons here have exclamation points. All I can say is that I feel very glad and triumphant to have survived another winter. Spring with an exclamation point is much more enjoyable. Kitchen . We fell down the DIY rabbit hole (again). We made the m...