White-Knuckling This Life

Hi. God has been stirring things up and I feel the need to write. Many, many moons ago I bought the book Anything by Jennie Allen . I read the prologue where the author warned me that this book would change my life by guiding me through telling God I'm willing to give him anything. I've been around long enough to know to be careful what you wish for and I was terrified by that warning. Like a mature adult, I threw the book off the couch like a hot potato and said, "Uh-uh. Nope. I can't handle this right now." For almost six months, it has stayed by the couch, staring at me, taunting me. Finally, this month I decided I was ready. I felt like Kevin McAllister in Home Alone . I wanted to go outside and yell, "I'm not afraid anymore! I said! I'm not afraid anymore! DO YOU HEAR ME?! I'M NOT AFRAID ANYMORE!" And with that, I began to read...and it has felt like a marathon to get through each & every chapter. I'm exhausted, but invigo...