2016 Year in Review

The end of another year. Another moment for reflection. My motto for 2016 was “you’re not in charge” and boy did God hit me over the head with that reminder constantly. I need to pick a more joyful motto next time. If you can’t tell, 2016 was a tough year for me. I battled a lot of illness, physical pain, slow healing, sick animals, and 365 days of complete silence on the adoption front… Not to mention the plethora of the really hard stuff going on in the world beyond my little bubble. All of it really challenged me and I had to consistently fight to keep depression at bay. I was reading my new year post from January and it was so hopeful and full of a feeling of success. I wrote about how I amazingly felt okay with not being in control. Turns out, it’s easy to be okay when you’re still in the early stage of the expectations you’ve secretly established in your heart. We had just finished the adoption approval process and I was okay with not knowing when it would happen b...