Home Studies, Home Projects, and Hikes

Did you think I died? We are still alive and kicking but blogging has just fallen to the wayside lately. The biggest update is probably the progress we’ve made in the adoption process. When I look at it on paper, we’ve only had one or two things each month but they feel bigger and more time consuming than that. I blame the mental capacity it takes to complete this process. I’m going to write about the progression now, in probably too much detail. If you are not that interested in the adoption process, you can skip down to the pictures for a more general update. Choose your own adventure! In April we attended a two-day Foster Parent training that opened our eyes to the realities of children in foster care and it broke our hearts. It’s so much worse than we ever could have imagined. The agency purposefully walks you through all the worst-case scenarios in order to weed out those who can’t handle it. If I didn’t know that we were starting out with infant adoption and wou...