Being weighed and measured, hoping we don't come up wanting...

Whelp, we blinked and it's March. I have to confess to you that we did not submit our adoption application by our internal deadline of February 27th. However, we went through everything with a fine-tooth comb this morning, signed a plethora of forms, and are officially ready to mail it on Monday (and also, turns out it's kind of fun to get fingerprinted). I feel okay about only being a week-ish late, mostly because any sense of failure is being trumped by how great it feels to be able to check this item off of my to-do list; and now we will hopefully be on to the next phase of becoming certified Foster Parents (which Colorado requires in order to adopt) so our next tasks involve 16 hours of classes and some home inspections. May the odds be ever in our favor. Small folder. Big deal. Our schmoozy "pick us" family picture. Do I look mom-ish? I'm grateful to say that the adoption application is not the only exciting thing happening in our lives. This ...