Newest Non-Human Family Member

We unknowingly got a taste for what the adoption process will feel like. Last Wednesday, I was reading the local paper when I glanced at the ads and a cute little face caught my attention. We weren't necessarily actively searching for a new dog but she was so cute that I just had to send it to Brian, mostly as a joke. We kind of laughed about it but then a few hours later HE sent me more information he’d found on her. This lack of dismissal meant there was a good chance we might get to adopt her! He told me to go ahead and submit the application on our lunch break while he ‘pretended to hate the idea’ (his quote). She was living in a foster home in Aspen and we learned that there was a very rigorous process we had to go through in order to be considered and approved as her forever home. There was the very lengthy application. Brian was contacted by the adoption coordinator and had a phone interview. We had to provide references. We had to arrange to go to the Fo...