I Love March!

I’m going to go ahead and officially proclaim that March is my favorite month. My preference used to be solely based on the fact that my birthday falls in March, and I got a Spring Break, but now it's evolved to be based on more than that. It’s as if I hold my breath from the time winter really sets in until the magical first day of March. Not only do I receive two of my favorite emails on March 1: Silly Red Robin used about 11 pictures to make up the email so I had to re-piece it back together But the weather generally starts to show me signs that life still exists outside of my house. This past weekend we had our first bluebird beautiful day where I could go for a walk without a coat and soak in some vitamin D. Yesterday I was taking the dog for her evening walk around the block and noticed a tiny little yellow bud peeking out from the ground. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! Exhale - You survived the winter. It’s March! We didn't have a hor...