August has just about done me in...

I know I haven't been very good at writing but moving is haaaaaaard. I mean for that to be read in the most whiniest voice possible. I know it's a first-world problem: "I have too much stuff." Wah-wah. Now that you know I realize it's not a real problem in the grand scheme of things I'm going to continue on with my whining. It was horrible- ask my parents. They helped and they know. However, the end goal is worth it...I hope. :) I was scrambling around trying to pack everything and stumbled upon Chuck as seen below. I seriously wanted to "Freaky Friday" my way into her body for the remainder of the move. Anywho, we've had a busy August. The first weekend we rode the Amtrak to Glenwood for a weekend stay at the Hotel Colorado. We brought my parents along to, in a sense, introduce them to...