just some thoughts on Batman.

I won't lie. I'm really excited about "The Dark Knight" movie. I had not realized just how much "Batman Begins" turned the corner for comic book heroes until this week. Back in the days of yore, ahem 1997, I went to the theater to see the George Clooney/Chris O'Donnel/Alicia Silverstone attempt at Batman and I remember loving it. Therefore, when I saw that it was going to be on t.v. last night (and in the spirit of the new movie coming out) I excitedly decided to watch it. Oh. My. Goodness. Seriously? I couldn't even sit through the whole thing; it was so cheesy. Like Velveeta Cheesy. Like bad script, bad acting, bad fight scenes. When Batman and Robin started adolescently fighting about which of them Poison Ivy was in love with I just had to stop. "Batman Begins" makes it all seem real. They aren't silly, imaginary villains anymore. They are real, scary predators and the things they do aren't all that far off from real...